Available for this process is a publication 
"A Quantum Leap for Waste and BECCS with B-VM Power Plant"


1. Data on output of pyrolysis: (Energy instead weight-%)

Figure 5+: Stabilat product fractions in the output of the rotary kiln as energy [7]

Figure 5++: Beech product fractions in the output of the rotary kiln as energy [7]

2. Data on the efficiency of waste incineration in Germany

It is important that the waste incinerated in Germany has a residual moisture content of about 25%. Globally, higher moisture content values reduce efficiency.

Figure 5+++: Electrical and total efficiency of German waste incineration plants 2012 – 2016. Projection is based on operator survey: response rate: 92% of capacity [10]

Figure 5++++: Net efficiency of RDF power plants in Germany 2012 - 2016. Mean and maximum values for electrical and overall efficiency from operator survey [10]

3. Use of the HERHOF process and our own process

During development of the waste treatment upstream of the B-VM, it became apparent that, with regard to all the parameters to be complied with for the treated waste, there were mainly usable standard units but also partial systems on the market. In the most aspects, this is not ultimately about pyrolysis processes and their further development, but only about improving thermal utilization - in particular by means of incineration and gasification. Otherwise the production process for HERHOF TROCKENSTABILAT® has been investigated to the greatest extent and in greatest depth. However, it was ultimately not able to establish itself for incineration or gasification. Nevertheless, these studies provide largely and precisely all the data required for the processing of waste and for the pyrolysis of B-VM.

The fact is that the existing, completely new treatment process developed by us for the B-VM, with its key areas works in a more targeted and economical way. In addition, it is not necessary to disclose our newly designed process sequences and, in some cases, systems and aggregates, thereby jeopardizing patent protection.

Based on the typical waste composition for Central Europe with essential material data, the upstream waste treatment suitable for a 14 MW engine was designed using units and systems offered and adapted on the market. A completely new in-house development was then also carried out for special areas and circumstances, as nothing similar was available on the market. On this basis, it is possible to realize the required local systems worldwide with appropriate adaptations. For a designed upstream waste treatment, agreements were made with well-known manufacturers and offers were obtained, with which CAPEX and OPEX were calculated.

For the first pilot plant with a specified location, it is planned that the upstream waste treatment system will be built as a turnkey complex together with one or two system providers – both worldwide experienced companies.

4. Possible data on the worldwide use of the B-VM process

Some world data B-VM derived by the Czech Republic 14 MW project. (distributed globally to countries or Europe, America, China, Asia or similar and based on existing waste capacity in this areas and realization; all values only placeholder for actual values per location)

1: Net electrical output of a plant is 10 to 12 MW into grid (8,000 h/a)

(basis is 10 MW output; max. possible 57 MW with 80 MW motor)

2: Currently around 15,000 such systems and then 25,000 in 2050

(basis is 20,000; with 14 MW motor)

3: Feasible up to -0.75 billion t/a of CO2; in 2050 so -1.20 billion t/a

(basis is up to 1 billion t/a negative CO2)

4: With capex of around € 120 million/plant incl. BECCS;

(Bioenergy with Carbon Catching and Storage)

5: Average 1 billion t/a of processable waste + 1 billion t/a biomass;

(World waste: 2 Billion t/2016 and 3.4 Billion t/2050)

With a CO2 price of € 100/t, this would be around 100 Giga €/a.

With 20,000 plants of 10 MW, this would result in 200,000 MW capacity (this corresponds to around 200 large power plants - but decentralized). With 8,000 h/a, 1.6 Giga MWh of electricity would be produced annually and with 100, - €/MWh this results in 160 Giga €/a.

With an average of 100, - €/t waste, total of 100 Giga €/a is generated.

Further revenues are generated: from the processing of delivered waste (like extracted recyclable materials) and for the thermal energy supplied. 

A total world capex of 20,000 plants x € 120 million will be required (results in € 2,400,000 million; = € 2,400,000,000,000; = 2,4 Tera €). This is a safe investment that also pays off. In contrast to investments in fossil fuels, which are running at roughly the same level worldwide and are expected to continue for almost 10 years up to 2030. These could prove to be a gigantic speculation error due to the increasing competition from renewable energies (for more details see: T. Crysmann, Riskante Rohstoff-Geschäfte "Es droht ein unkontrollierter Finanzkollaps", t-online 14.01.2023).

We are currently preparing the realization of a first pilot plant and a worldwide implementation of the technology.

[Among other things, the palace foundation is able provide offices and social- and conference- rooms and different workshop- areas for companies.]